Welcome to Utah Waste Buster!

In the spirit of economic prudence and doing what's best with your hard earned tax dollars, Representative John Dougall, Senator Stephen Urquhart, and Senator Daniel Liljenquist have created this website so that you, the hardworking people of Utah, can speak out against unnecessary use of tax money. Help us stop wasteful government spending! Tell us where you've found it so we can stop it in its tracks; and while you're here vote on other posts as well. You citizens are the ultimate government watchdogs.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Terry & Linda L say:

We consider it a shame that many people are unemployed and yet many retired government employees hold down government jobs. Government employees (once referred to as civil servants), now receive better pay with better benefits than the private sector and we now wonder who the servants really are. Anyway, we believe it time for Utah to pass a law forbidding any government agency from state to local governments to hire a retired government employee unless the employee is willing to give up the corresponding retirement pay. The U.S. government does that and it is now time to give more people an opportunity for a state or local government job. This should also apply to teachers, since there are approximately 7500 teachers with expired teacher certificates and many of those would like a teaching job and opportunity to get re-cert! ified. We are tired of the old excuse that they are saving the government money because they don’t have to be trained but we suspect that it is really nepotism or cronyism at work; or could it be that these people are going to live forever.

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