Welcome to Utah Waste Buster!

In the spirit of economic prudence and doing what's best with your hard earned tax dollars, Representative John Dougall, Senator Stephen Urquhart, and Senator Daniel Liljenquist have created this website so that you, the hardworking people of Utah, can speak out against unnecessary use of tax money. Help us stop wasteful government spending! Tell us where you've found it so we can stop it in its tracks; and while you're here vote on other posts as well. You citizens are the ultimate government watchdogs.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Teresa says:

I have listened to several of the hearings, including the Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee. I haven't seen the level of bullying that I heard in that committee meeting since junior high school! What a waste of time and money. Mr. Liljenquist - you should be ashamed of yourself and so should your constituents for voting for you. This website is a crock and a waste of time and resources. I have had the opportunity to work with several state employees and departments. They have dedicated their lives to work in the public sector - despite the fact that they could take their degrees and make more in the private sector. They do this because they really want to make a difference and they care about what they do - yet you create this website - why? So you make it easier for yourselves to sleep at night? Start with the legislature - that's the only place I see waste!

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