Welcome to Utah Waste Buster!

In the spirit of economic prudence and doing what's best with your hard earned tax dollars, Representative John Dougall, Senator Stephen Urquhart, and Senator Daniel Liljenquist have created this website so that you, the hardworking people of Utah, can speak out against unnecessary use of tax money. Help us stop wasteful government spending! Tell us where you've found it so we can stop it in its tracks; and while you're here vote on other posts as well. You citizens are the ultimate government watchdogs.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Anonymous says:

"This morning's committee meeting reminded me - kids in state custody are
covered by Medicaid, but if the parents have private insurance, they are
required to continue it. Here's the deal, though - they use Medicaid as the
primary payor, not the private insurance. I have a son that has been in
residential treatment for almost 2 1/2 years. He is taken to Medicaid
dentists, Medicaid docs and once when he went to the ER, Medicaid was
billed, not our insurance. You could save a ton of money I bet if you
required DCFS to take children to providers covered by their primary
insurance, with Medicaid as the back-up."

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