Welcome to Utah Waste Buster!

In the spirit of economic prudence and doing what's best with your hard earned tax dollars, Representative John Dougall, Senator Stephen Urquhart, and Senator Daniel Liljenquist have created this website so that you, the hardworking people of Utah, can speak out against unnecessary use of tax money. Help us stop wasteful government spending! Tell us where you've found it so we can stop it in its tracks; and while you're here vote on other posts as well. You citizens are the ultimate government watchdogs.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First day of the Session

Yesterday was the opening of the 58th session of the Utah State Legislature. This year we will face unique challenges as we find ways to trim the budget and make certain that each and every tax dollar is used to its full capacity.
Wouldn't it be great if the cuts that were made were legitimate government waste instead of arbitrary cuts on projects that need the money? Help us find places where money is being wasted so that we can direct it to where it really needs to go!

1 comment:

  1. When you talk about cutting costs or programs, think about the building that cost us 600 million dollars(or whatever the cost) to move it across the street, how many feet, to "preserve" it, did we really need to do that and why so much money, and then you want to cut education, health dept and other MUCH needed programs, and tell me how many people will go to this building or how many will be allowed to go to it? now is this really saving us money? if it were my choice i would say, save the education and other much needed programs before we move a historic building, isnt our education worth saving?
